Find out what you need to do to get your company certified as a B Corp.
Key points
It's never too early to start the B Impact Assessment (BIA).
Get your team on board - many hands make light work!
The process to become a B Corp will take at least 12 months for most companies, so plan ahead.
The requirements
Complete the BIA and spend time improving your business operations to reach 80 points or more.
Commit to stakeholder governance in your constitution and protect your company's mission.
*The legal requirement now applies to both Australian and Aotearoa NZ companies.
Once you've certified, show off your Impact Score on our B Corp Directory.
Committing to the journey ahead
With more companies looking for ways to improve their social and environmental impact, we're experiencing record demand for certification. You can expect wait times after you submit your assessment
Learn more in the Submit & Verify section.
The following timeline is based on a typical company's journey, but it may vary based on the size and complexity of your business, your team's involvement, your current operational score, and demands on our certification team. Many organisations take more than one year to certify, so keep this in mind while planning your timeline.

Before you certify
Understand the business case and the legal requirement
Read about why companies are becoming B Corps and the benefits of certification.
Find out what the legal requirement involves.
Get your whole team involved
Input from leadership teams and functional experts like HR, Finance, Operations, and Legal will make the process easier, so get their support early.
Do a first pass of the BIA
Expected time: 5+ hours
Complete as much of the assessment as you can and bookmark questions to revisit later.
Need support? Come to a workshop or work with a B Consultant.
Collect documents and improve score
Expected time: 1+ month
Collect any missing answers from your team and complete the BIA to get your baseline score.
A handy tip: Try creating an Asana project and group questions to assign to team members!
Reach 80+ and submit
Once you've reached 80+ points, submit your assessment to be reviewed to certify as a B Corp. Don't forget to celebrate your hard work!
Expected time: 9+ months
Pay a submission fee to join the queue for our global standards team to review and verify your assessment. Use this time for improving your impact and collecting any additional documentation.
After you certify
Publish your impact report
Update your B Corp profile and publish your Impact Report on our B Corp Directory.
Join the B Corp Community
Celebrate your certification and share this with your employees and stakeholders!
Recertify every 3 years to maintain your certification. Ten percent of B Corps are randomly selected for an in-depth Site Review each year.
Annual certification fees
Certification fees are based on a company's annual revenue. Please note these prices are in local currency AUD or NZD, depending on country of headquarter.
Under $5M
Up to $75M
Up to $100M
Up to $175M
Up to $250M
Up to $500M
Up to $750M
Up to $1B
Up to $150k
Up to $500k
Up to $700k
Up to $1M
Up to $1.5M
Up to $2M
Up to $3M
Up to $5M
Up to $7.5M
Up to $10M
Up to $15M
Up to $20M
Up to $30M
Up to $50M
A submission fee of $250 AUD applies to companies who submit their B Impact Assessment. Learn more here.
*Companies with annual revenue exceeding $1b, please contact B Lab directly to find out about fees